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Video - Hold on tight Boys ... Babies are born to be fearless . They are naturally not afraid of anything . But as they grow they tend to develop fear from their environment be it darkness , height , thunder , insects , etc . Kids love to imitate others . When they see us fear of certain things , indirectly it affects them too . We should allow our kids to explore new things as long as the environment is safe . Let them climb heights ... Let them play in the dark ... Let them play in the sand and be dirty ... Let them jump into the pool and be wet ... And we just watch them from afar . When a child falls , just observe from a distance and see how they react . Let them get up by themselves . Let them experience the pain and struggle a little bit . They usually get up and continue playing . Babies are born to be resilient . They adapt very well to their surroundings . My point is - try not to be over protective towards your child . There will be bumps here and there and it’s just part of growing up . Just sharing . Salam Jumaat Everyone . Love As Always ... PS - The Boys are getting better on their grips and climbing skills . Haha

Video - Hold on tight Boys ... Babies are born to ...